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OUR methodology and IMPACT 

"In the last 50 years, the world's production of textile fibres has quadrupled, while the population has approximately doubled." Source 


We started measuring our impact in 2022

We believe it is extremely important to quantify our work in order to better understand and communicate our impact and the importance of efficient use of material resources.  

We started by measuring our production in Germany. In 2022 we put back around 700 items in circulation, i.e. garments and accessories such as bags.

Thanks to information on the weight of clothing that can be easily found on the internet, we arrived at an average of 500 grams per item.

the Institute of Textile Research and Industrial Cooperation of Terrassa, INTEXTER, part of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, found through the study "ANALISIS DE LA RECOGIDA DE LA ROPA USADA EN ESPANA" - ANALYSIS OF THE COLLECTION OF USED CLOTHING
 that Reusing 1 kg of clothing saves 25 kg of CO2.

the report was created together with Moda re- (Cáritas) and LAVOLA in Spain.


According to this study, by reusing used clothing we can drastically reduce our environmental impact:


If we doubled the lifespan of garments, we would help reduce the fashion industry's greenhouse gas emissions by 44%.


Extending the active life of clothing by just nine months would already reduce carbon, water and waste footprint by 20-30%.

The UPC’s INTEXTER has concluded that reusing 1 kg of clothing saves 25 kg of CO2, unlike EU estimates so far, which suggested only 3.169 kilos.


Considering the data in this report and our production in 2022, we came to the conclusion that our approximate CO2 savings in 2022 thanks to the reuse and re-circulation of materials, was about 8750 kilos. That is 8.75 tonnes. 

It was actually the people who chose to buy or even better, rent, our upcycling products instead of new ones, who created this impact. 

according to the report Valuing our clothes: the cost of UK fashion, published by WRAP in 2017, An increase of 10% in second hand sales could save 3% of carbon emissions and 4% of water. So we can say that upcycling, vintage and second hand are really positive trends.

sourcing of materials and resource efficiency


At tHERAPY we don't see circularity, transparency and efficiency as an option. We believe all designed objects should be made to last, respecting the people and the environment throughout its existence, from the selection of raw materials to the use of the finished product and its eventual discarding and preparation for new uses.

We believe REUSING materials is the best way of addressing the overproduction and overconsumption that define fashion Businesses today.

Where do our materials come from?

We use exclusively discarded or second hand clothing, accessories and fabrics to produce our items.

We source our materials locally. we are based in Berlin, Germany and Cordoba, Argentina. We source in this two areas our materiasls.

We find second hand textiles at local thrift stores, flea markets, swap parties. we also receive donations from neighbours.

There are waste and dead stock depots where we also source our materials, both in Cordoba and Berlin. These depots receive waste or discarded materials of all kinds, sort them and organise them so that people like us can reuse them.

In these deposits we find textiles, cord, remnants and scraps of leather and metals such as rings, chains, buckles, eyelets, rivets. we starting using these materials for our Pampa Outlaw collection of 2017 and we continue sourcing there today. Most of These discarded materials come from the local saddlery and leather goods industry.

In the Berlin depots, we found for example a huge dead stock of belt straps, as well as textiles, threads, buttons, zippers and more materials discarded by theatre production companies, advertising and fairs organising companies and collected by this depot.

Especially in Europe and after the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more companies and clothing brands, but also individuals started contacting us to find solutions for their waste or to donate materials.

We reduce the use of new materials only to those that can't be reused, or that are essential to our production but are not available from second hand such as rivets, studs, eyelets, chains, threads, elastic cord or bands, needles, press buttons and pins. as long as we don't also find them on old stock deposits, which sometimes happens, we need to buy them new.

This new materials we buy locally. we avoid as much as possible materials that don't come from a REGIONAL OR NATIONAL production. 

Our fabric labels are made in Argentina at a local factory. in 2023 we have also incorporated the use of textile ink stamps to print our logo and garment information on textile scraps resulting from our own activity. These scraps are cut, printed and sewn to the garment in our atelier. 


For the production in Argentina, the paper labels are printed in Argentina and for Germany, in Germany. 


We create pieces that are made to last avoiding materials that come with a programmed short term obsolescence. This means, we use good and endurable quality materials.

We upcycle so called post-consumer waste. We also work with lots of closed factories, shops or discards from factory production, called pre-consumer waste. 


we produce the items ourselves and we also work with seamstresses who work in their own workshops, according to their own production times and rates.

We clean the clothes ourselves, with bio soaps. We use washing bags to avoid the microwaste.


We produce on demand, in small quantities or small series. 
We avoid producing waste ourselves with our production. In all our collections there is always a connection to the previous one. It is not a conceptual or aesthetic connection. It is the material connection as we use our own discards to make new garments. 
The garments that don't sell, we take apart and use their materials or redesign them. 

Our Impact in 2022 - Therapy Recycle and Exorcise

processes and materials on images

Denim from post consumer DISCARDS

Process behind denim items - Therapy Recycle and Exorcise

Leather from pre and post consumer DISCARDS

PAMPA OUTLAW - Process behind - Therapy Recycle and Exorcise
NOWON Process Behind - Therapy Recycle and Exorcise

Work clothes / uniforms from post consumer DISCARDS

EDITED - Process behind - Therapy Recycle and Exorcise

THIS IS US in one of our weekly meetings accross the atlantic ocean!
Poli & Angie

Berlin, Germany

Therapy Recycle and Exorcise

Cordoba, Argentina

Therapy Recycle and Exorcise Accepted Payments

©2021 by Therapy Recycle and Exorcise

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