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Therapy Recycle & Exorcise featured in "DIE ZEIT"

tHERAPY Recycle & Exorcise

We are thrilled to be featured in DIE ZEIT!

The article gives a behind-the-scenes look at our Fashion Week show—months of work, intense preparation, and the creative chaos that fuels our designs.

At Therapy Recycle & Exorcise, we redefine fashion by using upcycled materials, working with non-traditional models, and creating experimental silhouettes that challenge beauty norms. Our shows are more than just presentations; they are statements about sustainability, diversity, and self-expression.

A huge thank you to DIE ZEIT for recognizing our work and sharing our story. And, of course, thanks to our community for your constant support!

Die Zeit from Germany Features Therapy Recycle and Exorcise in January 2025


Therapy Recycle & Exorcise in DIE ZEIT!

Wir freuen uns riesig über unser Feature in DIE ZEIT! Der Artikel gibt spannende Einblicke hinter die Kulissen unserer Fashion-Week-Show – monatelange Arbeit, intensive Vorbereitung und kreatives Chaos.

Bei Therapy Recycle & Exorcise setzen wir auf Upcycling, arbeiten mit nicht-traditionellen Models und kreieren experimentelle Silhouetten, die Schönheitsnormen hinterfragen. Unsere Shows sind Statements für Nachhaltigkeit, Vielfalt und Selbstbestimmung.

Ein großes Dankeschön an DIE ZEIT für diese Anerkennung und an unsere Community für eure Unterstützung!

Therapy Recycle and Exorcise Accepted Payments

©2021 by Therapy Recycle and Exorcise

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